About me

I am a graduate of Graphic and Media design (BA - First Class Honours) and have 5+ years' experience working in a head office environment for both Ted Baker and AllSaints. I believe that this combination of design experience and office-based organisational expertise would make me a perfect candidate for a position within a fashion head office, where I would be able to start within the next month.

I thrive in team-working culture and am comfortable with working in diverse, versatile teams with each individual bringing their own skillsets together to create a dynamic working environment.

I started my degree with the aim of pursuing a career in design, media, and eCommerce, and my interests have always been in this exciting and expanding area of digital media. My interests lie within fashion trends, media, and design, and I have loved working for TED as a brand and a company. With my experience in finance, I have very good organisational skills and excellent client communication skills, with an aptitude for customer service as my previous role primarily involved me liaising with suppliers to settle their accounts. I have a good working knowledge of the media and design industries from my formal education and have been heavily involved in all aspects of print and digital design from start to finish, as well as exploring motion graphics and video editing in my free time.

Thanking you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.


Accounting, Branding, Digital Art, Digital Marketing

Sector Experience

Advertising, Design, Marketing

Currently No Recommendations
Looking for work
London, London, United Kingdom
Skill Level
Creativepool member since 24 February 2019