Neil Cooper Executive Creative Director


It's 2022, and yet there’s still a big gap when it comes to equal representation in investing. Despite this issue being in the spotlight for decades, women are still less likely to invest, compounding any financial disadvantages and limiting women’s collective influence on corporate behaviour and the world. In order for BNYM IM to better understand the gender-investment gap, what’s driving this and what could be done to address this, they commissioned research to capture the perspectives of those who currently invest and those who don't, and the key investment firms to understand what's going on culturally in the investment industry to better inform how to drive meaningful change. 

The digital experience, ‘The Pathway To Inclusive Investment’, explores the issues at the heart of the gender-investment gap, and the benefits to both individuals and the world collectively if more women invest. To ensure the relevance of the experience, they tested different messaging to understand which specific data points resonated most/drove the greatest engagement/response from users. 

How can we launch the investing inclusion report and drive the BNYM IM audience to read it? How can we support across digital channels showcasing key data points?

Draw attention to the issue of representation in the investment world. Therefore, we measured the performance of this web experience through earned media coverage to drive awareness. We measured consideration of the issue through website visits and time of site, and finally we looked at report downloads to understand how engaged users were with the key messages. 

Execution: elements, styling, materials, process, development, scope, etc...
The goal was to transform the 22 page white paper into a dynamic, responsive and interactive experience as a stand-out alternative to the usual static download. We worked with illustrator Adam McCauley to communicate the key messages from the report with images that could adapt across different touch points.We  designed interactive and animated data-visualisations of the key data to encourage viewers to engage with the findings. We also created an animated, typographic explainer video in multiple sizes and languages bringing those illustrations to life and helping summarise the report findings.In social, to ensure the relevance of the experience, we tested different messaging to understand which specific data points resonated most/drove the greatest engagement/response from users. Once we understood the most engaging messages, we optimised paid media around the site experience to ensure as many people as possible were seeing the most relevant messages and interacting with the content on site.

Ultimately, we developed the experience in 5 languages and regions for EMEA, APAC, NAD, LATAM for multiple audiences – meaning over 45 versions of the site needed to be created on tight timelines and social content had to work across 5 languages.

The results have been impressive!
We’ve driven over 1m impressions and reached over 500k globally through social media outreach.
We have also exceeded BNYM IM website traffic benchmarks by 30% during launch of the report and had 5.5k unique visitors interact with report in the first 4 weeks of the campaign.
On average, users spent 3 mins 54 seconds on site absorbing the information. In addition, over 350 professional investors have downloaded the PDF report for further reading/sharing.


  • Priya PattarClient
Annual 2017 JudgeExperiential Contributor:

Neil Cooper has been a Contributor since 25th November 2015.

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The Pathway To Inclusive Investment



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