Neil Barrie Creative Director


Believe it or not Pringles have over 40 different flavours all now bursting with even more flavour. As part of the drive they wanted to build an mobile game from which they could engage the audience and introduce their new enhanced flavours while they were at it. A game becomes a platform allowing them to help launch new campaigns, season specials and new products in the future.

We developed a multi-level game that starts with a Pringles can bursting open and releasing its pent-up flavour back into the world at large. The user then visits four different flavour islands and tries to recapture all of the escapee ingredients.

Using the Pringles ‘can-a-pult’ you flick your hand up into the host of flavours and grab what you can to build your score. This totals up across the different levels and will only unlock the last mystery island if you have reached the required level. Scores are posted to the ‘flavor-grab leader board’ as well as winning ‘achievements’ as you progress.
Initially developed to be used on iOS and Android, it was extended onto social media sites.

With approximately 60, 000 downloads within the first month and around 10,000 downloads month on month since.


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