Dan Tiller Graphic & Web Designer


If you follow me on X, or happen to know me, you’ll be aware I LOVE videogames! So it was an amazing honour to be asked by connection online if I would help them illustrate the second book in their trilogy all about the SEGA Dreamcast. Dreamcast Year Two (as the title suggests) is all about the second year of releases for SEGA’s final console, the Dreamcast. It was arguably the console’s best year in terms of game releases, so I was able to create illustrations for some of my favourite ever titles, like Shenmue and Metropolis Street Racer.

The book was funded through Kickstarter, and smashed its target, finally being printed and distributed during the middle of the year. You can see some examples of both the illustrations and how they were incorporated in tot he design below (I did not do the Graphic Design work for the book, only the illustrations).

I am so happy with how it all turned out, and will be forever grateful to Andrew for getting in touch and trusting me to work on this with him!

If you are looking for someone to create some illustration work for you, or need a book/brochure designed, get in touch with me today!


Who pooled - Dreamcast Year Two Book Illustrations