About me

I am a creative and active person
I believe that an act (work or job) whether it is a work of art or in the advertising space or any other business, is formed in an infinite place inside the human being and this place has countless powers such as imagination, Thinking, loving, trusting, etc., in every job, we should be able to use our different strengths to become unique. I use imagination in my profession. And for several years now, I have been working inside and outside Iran as a copywriter, creative director and advertising consultant in the field of branding, advertising and digital space, and I use my knowledge and skills in designing 360-degree campaigns in advertising and branding with I use market, industry and customer considerations to achieve customer goals. I value networking to create new relationships in the industry and in the past several years, in addition to achieving the expected goals of the organizations I have worked with, I have demonstrated my abilities and am currently working as a creative director in an advertising agency in Iran. I am working And besides that, I am an advertising consultant for a digital company outside of Iran.

My specialties include: producing different contents for TV, advertising billboards, radio and social networks, campaign writing, content production for online and offline, content production in different fields and methods of advertising such as guerrilla marketing, mob marketing, guerilla advertising, environmental advertising And among my other tasks are writing taglines, slogans and digital scenarios, radio and television scenarios and choosing brand names for different businesses and brands.


Acting, Copywriting, Creative Direction, Directing, Writing

Sector Experience

Advertising, Arts, Branding, Fine Art, Painting & Sculpture

Currently No Recommendations
Looking for work
Perm, Freelance, Part time
تهران, Iran
Skill Level
Creativepool member since 20 June 2023