Moe Murdock Motion Graphics Designer


(“Crystal Heart” done in Unreal Engine music by me in Reason.These take longer and longer to make because of the learning curve involved. I am thinking that I am slowly making my way through. This is the next to last course for the @schoolofmotion classes taught by Jonathan Winbush. I have been experimenting with Cinema4D for a while trying to make surreal work - and then thought that I would give it (Unreal Engine) a try.The learning curve I think is a little less steep because I spent so much time banging my head against the wall in C4D to figure stuff out. I actually finished this a few days back but had to do a bunch of render testing to figure out why they camera was acting weird - which is part of the #process. I wound up rending this scene out 15 to 20 times to trouble shoot - which only took 10 to 15 mins each time. It’s quite freeing to know that time is not such a constraint!!!!! Craziness!!!It also just happens to be a #winter themed scene - that was a coincidence.I’ll see if I can finish the course before the end of the year as I’m pretty close. Happy Holidays! 


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