About me

Mister Gilbert Maoto is. President at diamond brain holdings and, CEO at Dexterity Group PTY LTD in south Africa with 20years experience on real estate activiities and project development, facilitation rural development, funding. project funding facilitation more focus on rural disadvantages community, Mister Gilbert Maoto is more focus on skill transfer, job opportunities, up lift the life of the disadvantages community with education on economic growth and development, currently in south African continent have funding facilitation is around the globe Diamond Brain and Dexterity real estate is a 100% South African and BEE capitalized corporation established and registered with the Real estate board and Securities and Exchange Commission. Prior to this date, the company under the name of Diamond Brain and Dexterity real estate. Had been able to undertake several projects ranging from warehouses to residential and commercial buildings in other cities in the South Africa from 2005

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Perm, Freelance, Temp-Perm, Part time, Remote
Johannesburg, South Africa
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Junior, Middleweight, Senior, Director
Creativepool member since 1 December 2016