Welcome to the “Sanctuary”, an experiential installation designed to advocate for coral aquaculture and marine restoration. It invites participants to become coral gardeners, promoting awareness and dialogue for the vitality of preserving our ocean's rainforests and re-illuminating the depth of lost coral. The installation blends digital and physical elements to teach participants about coral propagation and the intricate environmental factors essential for reef vitality. Participants will engage in virtual coral propagation through four actions within the installations: gathering, nurturing, restoring, and influencing others. Participants will witness the immediate impact of their actions, becoming active agents of change and sparking dialogue about coral aquaculture. This approach educates and inspires action, making coral aquaculture accessible and engaging for all ages, especially our younger generation, who will pioneer the environment's future.

Coral reefs, the rainforests of the ocean, support 25% of marine life but cover less than 1% of the ocean floor. Climate change and human activities have devastated these vital ecosystems. Coral aquaculture, which involves growing and reintroducing corals, offers a path to recovery but faces challenges like the lack of comprehensive data and societal disconnect. While the media highlights climate change, pollution, and overfishing, it often fails to address the underlying complexity of coral reef extinction. Despite the urgent situation, public awareness often fails to hear about the complexity of coral reef extinction - a global issue that drives these interconnected problems. Due to their remote and difficult-to-access locations, corals suffer from a lack of comprehensive data, resulting in gaps in media coverage and subsequently diminishing public awareness.

Key Features:
Sanctuary design prioritises user interaction, with ergonomic considerations for accessibility to foster connections with four essential actions: Gather, Nurture, Restore, and Influence.

- In the “Gather” phase, participants become coral gardeners by collecting a dead coral ‘seedling’ from the unlit reef. The seedling, running an Arduino Nano with magnetic copper connections, features an ergonomic hand-held base, allowing participants to handle and admire it as their experience progresses seamlessly.

- “Nurture” entails participants directly influencing their seedlings' health and environment via the central kiosk running Unity. The kiosk’s analogue control panel integrates first-hand experience, transforming environmental awareness from theory into practice through meaningful input that promotes sustainability.

- Once the coral seedling is ready to be “restored”, participants are guided to transplant and restore the reef sculpture with light-based wayfinding. Mirroring real-life coral aquaculture, participants can observe their seedlings affecting an entire ecosystem of coral. After “restore”, participants receive statistics regarding their influence and broader impact.

- Through “influence”, Sanctuary provides comprehensive data visualisation for the public that aids in addressing the gaps in public awareness. Recorded live on display, data is highlighted for participants to visually recognise their impact on Sanctuary, the coral reefs, and their respective marine communities.

The diverse use of technology, like Arduino microcontrollers and LED rings, influences an engaging, multisensory experience. Audio feedback enhances the immersive quality, responding dynamically to users' actions as they restore virtual coral. The topographical reef sculpture is designed for ergonomic interaction, considering size, height, and accessibility to enhance user engagement.

By educating participants about the importance of coral reefs and the need for urgent restoration, Sanctuary connects individuals to marine conservation, fostering a sense of responsibility and action. The project exemplifies design excellence through its innovative use of technology, user-centric approach, and impactful storytelling. Sanctuary bridges the gap in public exposure, fostering appreciation for these essential ecosystems and encouraging active participation in their preservation. This increased awareness and support can lead to enhanced funding and research efforts, promoting the sustainability of coral reefs and their ecosystems.


  • Benjamin WalshamDesigner
  • Calum de Fantidesigner
  • Cameron Lovingdesigner
  • Don ChooiSupervisor
  • Jocelyn JanonSupervisor
  • Monica Luudesigner
  • * Media Design SchoolProgramme Director
  • * Tammie LeongSenior Lecturer

Media Design School has been a Contributor since 25th November 2015.

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