Matt Wilson Designer /​ Animator


Demand Conflict Free Electronics is an awareness campaign that aims to educate people about conflict minerals being used in electronics. The campaign animates a script using simple vector graphics to illustrate a powerful story to convince people to support charities and demand a stop to conflict minerals being used in electronics.

Many supporters who generously donated money through the site Sponsorcraft helped to bring this project to life, with the money a voice actor was hired to add depth and power to the campaign. People who donated received a limited edition screen-printed poster and a sticker, other material was produced for the campaign to sell with the proceeds going to charity.

During the New Designers Exhibition 2013 I was awarded Future Pioneer for Design for Social Change, the animation has now been rebranded for the organisation Walk Free which they will be using in one of their upcoming campaigns.


  • Debra RosenClient

Demand Conflict Free Electronics
