Matthew Gaffen Tech Lead


ALMA Leather contracted Spritz Creative to execute theri rebrand. Spritz chose to split the brand into a parent brand and four sub-brands that focus on specific product offerings.

I helped research and build the five sites that comprise the ALMA network fo brand sites, including assembly of the CMS, API, and build of four sites in React.js.

Extra research time was put into automatically generating an average colour from input images of leather swatches and then arranging these swatches in an aesthetically pleasing way. This was done by taking a reference colour set in the appropriate order and grouping the input images by their proximity to a specific colour. The result is an aesthetically pleasing colour sort with very minimal CMS effort!

I also helped produce a series of short videos to advertise the company. I shot, edited, graded and handled motion graphics for all aspects of the video, with the creative director at Spritz providing feedback for visual direction.


  • ALMA LeatherClient

ALMA Leather network of sites



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