Marielle 'Auti' Nones Associate Creative Director & Art Director


Nearly half of online Filipinos admit to illegally downloading films.
So we had them illegally download our ad as well.

In 2017, as ten blockbuster Filipino films were released in cinemas nationwide, we released the same ten films as illegal downloads and streams online. We put them on Facebook, YouTube and major torrent sites like PirateBay.

But as each of the films played, viewers saw footage they did not expect to see— a member of the film production crew talking to them and telling them how much time and work went into the film they intended to watch illegally. Directors, producers, gaffers, camera men and more appealed to Filipino viewers to watch each movie the right way. Transforming platforms used for piracy into tools versus piracy.

Within hours of uploading, thousands of people began to watch the films and were made to realize they just took part in a crime: stealing from their fellow Filipinos.

Without any media budget the campaign was viewed by over 3 million viewers and counting. It reached over 10 million media impressions and the campaign got so many positive responses that it was extended until 2019.


AdStars - Silver
Boomerang Awards - Silver
Kidlat Awards - Bronze
Kidlat Awards - Silver
Spikes Asia - Shortlist


  • GlobeClient
Project featured: on 20th May 2021

Globe - Piracy Vs. Piracy

