Soulpass Design Studio / 灵越设计工作室 Product/​Branding/​ Graphic Designer


This machine with the name 'MINT BOX' offers a solution for the local processing of kitchen waste. Instead of the long journeys that kitchen waste make traditionally, out of the city to large garbage dumps, the machine is supposed to process garbage locally and turn it into fertilizers. The integration of the machine into the cityscape creates awareness of the presence of garbage and how it is processed.
Design becomes particularly important in this context of local garbage processing because an object like garbage evokes an attitude of rejection in most people. You want to know the greatest possible distance between yourself and your own garbage. But local garbage processing means that your garbage stays present in your neighborhood. Our design creates acceptance and integration.


iF Design Awards


  • Tan Ming TerraMunda Technology Co.,LdtClient
studiopro:Soulpass was verified as a studiopro on 15th March 2022 Contributor:

Soulpass Design Studio / 灵越设计工作室 has been a Contributor since 30th December 2019.

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