Maria Ingram Illustrator


It's so easy for us to lose ourselves as we get older. We spend so long looking after other people's needs and neglecting our own that we forget that we even feel things.

Because when we feel, we feel left out, envious, not good enough, sick, tired. We have unrealized dreams. We are certain that we were meant for more but that we don’t even deserve what we do have. We feel ecstatic and then numb.

We are afraid of dying. We are more afraid of living. We are sweaty, bloated, gassy, oily. We love our children, we long for children, we do not want children. We are at war with our bodies, our minds, our souls. We are at war with one another. We don’t understand ourselves. We are lonely. We want to be left alone. We want to belong. We want to be loved...

We want to be loved.

But loving needs to start at home. We need to love ourselves first, because we are deserving of all our love.

So let's not think of ourselves as broken. Flawed or imperfect. Let's see and love ourselves for the truly incredible humans we are.

studiopro:Maria was verified as a studiopro on 3rd October 2022 Contributor:

Maria Ingram has been a Contributor since 4th February 2021.

Invite x3

I'm too old for this sh*t...

