Few days ago we got an article sent to us. It was an article about Mindshare’s latest creative service, Mindshare 24, a rapid idea generation service that will turn around a brief in 24 hours. Many people thought that this service sounded a lot like The Pop Up Agency’s 48-hour creative process.
Having spent the last six years in the rapid idea generation business, it’s hard enough to do it in 48 hours. If mindshare can do it in 24, their creative process must be insanely good!
We are impressed!
After digging deeper into the article we felt that Mindshare 24 had some unanswered questions and that they could learn a thing or two from The Pop Up Agency.
“How do we price it? No idea”
Nick Emery, CEO Mindshare, Campaign Live
The Pop Up Agency does not give away ideas for free. Instead, we charge for the value we provide, Speed.
Think about like this: If you take a bus or cab to the airport. Both services will help you reach your end destination. One will do it faster and seamless at a higher price point. The other one will be slower, stop along the way, but have a lower price point.
“Clients will only pay if they like the idea.”
Nick Emery, CEO Mindshare, The Drum
To ensure your clients like your ideas, you involve them in the process! The Pop Up Agency, “pops up” at its clients' location, inviting them to take part of The Pop Up Process. Key stakeholders are guided through two days of research, idea generation, decision making, prototyping to finally have one idea that we all like and can stand behind.
By doing so you limit the risk of a “bad” idea since the client has given you approvals along the way. It will help both you and your clients to save time, resources and money.
“The days of tease, excite, reveal are over”.
Nick Emery, CEO Mindshare, The Drum
You said it yourself. Stop teasing and start involving!!!
Mindshare 24 is for a world that moves at the speed of culture.
Nick Emery, CEO Mindshare, Campaign Live
To be able to solve briefs in 48 hours (Perhaps it’s different when you solve briefs in 24 hours) you will need to be extremely agile and responsive. We often say that “The Pop Up Agency is not a 9–5, it’s a lifestyle”. This lifestyle or company culture is hard to replicate in a corporate environment. Mindshare 24 will need support from the entire organisation. It will need time and space to figure out how an agile way of working will fit in a large organisation. It might sound easy when making decisions in boardrooms, but it’s another reality implementing it. You will have to prototype your way to find the fit for you.
If you need any further help do not hesitate to contact us: hello@thepopupagency or @thepopupagency
To learn more about how we solve briefs in 48 hours. Please visit: http://thepopupagency.co/
Lots of love