Marco Andrea Cacioni Graphic Designer


Shame exists since the dawn of time. With our introduction to the online world and social media be vigilant in the everyday life, we attended its growth. We witness episodes of public humiliation every day, using online shaming as a destructive force aimed to wreck the reputation and career of the victim. On the other hand, many see public shaming as a tool to admonish companies, journalists, advertisers, and so on that use offensive language or visuals. This proposal investigates how individuals have found in shame a new tool: making the transgression visible while watching the victim. My research is based on this dualism that is highlighted by all the above theories. We live in an era where mobile phones have become a double-edged sword and have this dual confessional/shaming power. All those who use mobile phones as portable electronic confessionals have broken the barrier erected between public and private. 

Project featured: on 7th September 2017

Shame on you

