Lawrence Garwood CD/​MD


Audience profile
Luxury/high-end interiors design.

Context synopsis
Beauval Interiors is an Interior Design company specialising in professional design solutions for high quality residential interiors combined with the supply and installation services required for their implementation. The partners are Monique Beauval-Nash and Howard Nash RIBA both of whom have wide experience of interior architecture and design in UK and abroad.

They design high quality residential interiors for private clients, specialising in projects with a contemporary edge. They particularly enjoy the challenge of working in architectural settings that are either historic or otherwise of special interest. They like to juxtapose the new with the old in ways that are complementary and enhancing for both.

As they are very much established in luxury end, they needed a simple set of brand guidelines, brand design, website and associated marketing collateral in order to communicate to their market who and what they are.

What we did
The partners approached us to develop there brand, tone of voice and website for them and along the way we also started to consult for them on interior design projects.


  • Lawrence GarwoodAgency


