Laurence Rea Graphic Designer


When Emmes acquired Clinical Edge, our brief was to work with the client’s marketing team to originate a new naming convention and visually identity that signalled to the market the powerhouse this transformed the organisation into for the ophthalmology training and certification area – a critical part of determining the safety and efficacy of new treatments for eye disease.

OptymEdge ensures the standardization of visual function requirements for ophthalmic clinical trials across all phases of clinical development. This includes certifying and training of clinical trial center staff and maintaining a database listing their current certification status. OptymEdge has a combined base of 36 ophthalmic certifiers, most of whom are Doctors of Optometry and medical doctors.

The new OptymEdge branding was launched ahead of the American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting in Chicago and continues to be rolled out across the States.

At the heart of the new visual identity is the Landolt C, otherwise known as the Landolt Ring or Landolt Broken Ring. It was developed by Edmund Landolt, a Swiss born ophthalmologist.

The rings are rotated with a small gap that can be located at differing angles. It is based on the Snellen chart ‘O’ and is used to determine visual acuity.

It is accepted as of being gold standard in measurement and tricks the eye into closing the ring, which is a result of astigmatic errors. Rotating and utilizing the Landolt C, we formed the ‘O’ in OptymEdge. Altering the weight of the name-type, we crafted a visual identity that was striking, easily read, and rooted in the science of ophthalmology.


  • Emmes OptymEdgeClient