After two years of lockdown and work from home, Evolution 22 was created as an opportunity for Worldwide Clinical Trials staff to reconnect face to face. With the company’s workforce having grown significantly during the pandemic, the event was planned to bring team members from across the world together in Florida for a weeklong series of workshops and seminars that would build bonds, align goals and layout plans for the coming year.
Structured and stage managed across three phases, employees would first be educated as to where Worldwide Clinical Trials came from. During this phase focussed on the company’s past, team members would learn about the heritage of Worldwide Clinical Trials and the values that had guided its success to this point.
The second phase, focussing on the present would frame life and business at Worldwide Clinical Trials through the pandemic and demonstrate out the company’s heritage had equipped it to navigate the crisis and emerge stronger.
The third and final phase looks to the future. Having educated attendees at the event as to their shared heritage and the company’s progress to-date, the future provides a roadmap to align activities moving forward together as a unified team across regions.
Working with the Worldwide Clinical Trials marketing team, the event was named Evolution 22. Creating a visual platform for expression that would futureproof the concept and theme for this team engagement strategy, the brandmark ‘E’ was crafted from a series of arrows to indicate the forward momentum of the company and the overall focus on the future.
Drawing inspiration from the parent brand colour palette, we created a vibrant colour suite that would lend itself to clearly defining each phase of the event.
As a naming convention, the nomenclature is conceived to include two elements. Evolution is the primary descriptive that would remain relevant year after year. The inclusion of a specific timeframe as in 22 allows the name to remain relevant each year, with the previous year relegating itself to part of the company’s past.
The versatile identity allows Worldwide Clinical Trials to continue to grow and share its vision, mission, values, and goals year after year with each new generation of employees.
Crafted to work across print and digital touchpoints, the bespoke visual identity and guidelines embody Worldwide Clinical Trials empathetic relationship between healer and patient and works to celebrate the evolutionary work being carried out by the company to advance human healthcare – an Evolution that is ongoing year after year.
Worldwide Clinical TrialsClient
The Mission Control Communications -
Laurence ReaGraphic Designer -
Paul McCallanCreative Director -
EmerGraphic Designer