About me

My name is Laura Allmett and I am currently coming to the end of an English literature degree. Having considered my career options, I have come to realise that a career in P.R is the obvious choice for someone like me, combining as it does my natural aptitude for writing and communication with my fascination with the media in all its forms.

Ever since I studied for my Media GCSE I have been interested in the meanings behind words and images, and the way in which people can be persuaded to think a certain way merely through a clever use of language, colour and layout. I am very much aware of the extent to which the media shapes our opinions, even without us being aware of it doing so, and I would very much like to build on the knowledge I already have in this field in order that I might contribute to the exciting and ever-changing world of media communications.

Though I am very much interested in the world of advertising as a means of presenting a company or institution to the public, I feel that my talent for written communication anchors my future firmly in P.R. P.R also seems to me to offer a broader task base and would allow me to combine my aptitude for writing with my interpersonal skills, meaning that I felt constantly challenged by, and interested in, my work. To do something that I enjoy, and in which I feel I am allowed to reach my full potential, is what matters to me most, and I feel that this career path will offer me just this.

I am very much aware that P.R requires an engaging personality, and an ability to present oneself and one's ideas in the most effective way possible, and I sincerely believe that this is something that I am already competent in doing, whether through words or through my own presentation skills. P.R will also give me the opportunity to work both alone and as part of a team, something that I enjoy as it allows me an opportunity to work through my ideas with other people and to be inspired by what other people are thinking.

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Mitcham, Surrey, United Kingdom
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Creativepool member since 10 April 2007