Jumbla London


Celebrating women in every form, the female creatives of Jumbla Animation Studio wanted to create a loop for International Women's Day 2019 to be used across the company's social media channels.
The purpose of this project was to promote International Women's Day and specifically the importance of gender balance and diversity across the creative industries.

The design of these female characters came from the idea of balance. The importance of having a female to male balance across the creative industries, balance in pay, gender equality and rights.
The characters were designed each with a different look and style of their own. Again alluding to the theme of balance in personality, the differences and qualities that each can bring.
We used a bold but limited colour palette to tie in the designs from one to the next, enabling the transitions between to appear smooth and seamless.

The looping ladies were shared and seen across social media multiple times through many different channels, gaining a large viewership and highlighting the importance of balance across the genders, promoting International Women's Day 2019.


Project featured: on 11th March 2020

International Women's Day 2019

