Julia Knie Illustrator


"We are young community council and have yet to make our mark, hence why we are keen to develop a brand and raise awareness of our aims and objectives to garner interest."

I participated in an open call by Glasgow City Community Council to help them with their rebranding and new visual language to be used for print and online.
Luckily my portfolio convinced them and I worked with them remotely during Covid Lock Down to take the designing process forward.
In order to find out how to help them best I set up individual video calls as well as launching a text-based virtual peer-group meeting to find out about the key points that their rebranding should involve. I had them review my contextual research and outcome and we took it from there. To see the development process and research sheets please see accompanying images.


  • Alex CheungClient

Who pooled - Glasgow City Community Council - Rebranding