Anthony M. Grimaldi Illustrator & Graphic Designer


I was hired by Ms. Kristina Dreisbach, who has won Creative Child Magazine Preferred Choice Award 2014, Baby Maternity Top Choice of the Year Award 2015, Creative Child Book of the Year Award 2016 and a DRAGONFLY AWARD 2016, to illustrate 10 pages of her new book 'A Tale From A Foxhound Beagle Named Bailey: Are We Going To The Lake?' Using my technique of combining illustration with digital art & design, I created a unique art style for the book. I was conscious of balancing these 2 mediums very carefully as too much of one medium overpowers the other. Both mediums must blend together seamlessly to complement one another. I and the client, Ms. Kristina Dreisbach, are very satisfied and happy with the final illustrations.


  • Kristina DreisbachClient

A Tale From A Foxhound Beagle Named Bailey: Are We Going To The Lake?

