James Harrison self-publishing provider


Book title: A Mysterious Way: The Unfolding of an Abundant Life by Simon Wethered

Brief: 'Here is the edited word document and a link to various files of scanned images - please produce a book for this delightful author to be proud of.'

Project: Working with both the Author and Editor, reading copy and then setting templates and typefaces to suit both the personality of the author and his story. Typesetting, proof-reading, reformatting imagery and designing covers. Liaising with suppliers regarding paper and cover stock and providing correct file formats for various print processes.

Feedback: "I have to say, I am absolutely delighted with the result, and really cannot thank you enough for all the care and professionalism you and your team have invested in it. My wife commented on the quality of the paper. The crested hard covers have come out beautifully, as have all the illustrations. It really is an excellent piece of work, and has exceeded even my high expectations for it." - Author

Tools: Adobe Indesign + Photoshop

I have now designed a total of 8 books for Oxfordfolio.


Book typesetting and cover design

