Hard Numbers London


With Meta still ignoring the pleas of tribute artists we decide to launch phase 2 of the campaign and take it up a notch with a protest outside Meta's offices in King's Cross.

Gathering 6 tribute artists, including Dolly Parton, Adele, Britney Spears, Taylor Swift and George Michael, we designed placards, got a megaphone and a photographer and made our way to the front doors to make some noise on behalf of tribute artists everywhere.

To make the biggest splash possible, we knew we needed to get journalists down the protest to cover the event. We secured an exclusive picture story with PA early on, as well as securing Channel 5 News, BBC News Online, BBC London, PoliticsJOE and BBC Regional Radio journalists to attend the protest.

It was a roaring success, and in the days that followed the protest we secured over 300 individual media mentions of our story across broadcast, digital, print and social media. Our client The Dolly Show was subsequently features on Lorraine and The Last Leg as a result of our media efforts and Meta were pushed to finally comment on their community standards.



Hard Numbers has been a Contributor since 3rd June 2020.

Invite x3

#DollyVsMeta Phase 2: The Protest

