Hannah Cunningham Art Director


Beets & roots is a lunch time staple, selling healthy and planet conscious lunch bowls to the business brains across Germany. In 2021 they were looking for investment to expand the business, approaching the agency for a crowd investing campaign that focussed on their sustainable business model and plans for growth internationally.

The campaign had to be cool, promote their new bowl, and feel exclusive to those who would financially contribute. With the key channel as Instagram, I set to work on concepting and designing a campaign worth investing in.

#owngoodfood perfectly blended conscious eating with the investment opportunity. It was playful, understated and sleek, with all assets developed from stylish photography of the newest store in Frankfurt, and the delicious new bowl on offer. I paired the flash style statics with funky animation, to create a clean yet colourful look and feel that teased the everyday investor, whilst still feeling a part of the current branding.

The investment campaign broke boundaries as it hit its goal of 1,111,000€ in just 22 days. With such a success the #owngoodfood bowl stayed on the menu, now not only for investors but also to the rest of the public as a celebration and ode to success.

Additionally, some key design elements were carried on through the social media of Beets & Roots, including the colourful flash style photography and the editorial split screen design.

At the time of the campaign, I worked as the lead Art Director on the project, creatively guiding the look and feel; concepting assets and spearheading creative production. Working closely with my photographer photographer John Brömstrup, I built the campaign and guided it to its success throughout 2021.

This project required me to really step up and lead the team from start to finish, in the office, on set and after the launch - with me being the consistent figure across the entire project period. I had to cover staff sickness due to corona and play on my many strengths across the project process.


Who pooled - #OwnGoodFood