Gramercy Park Studios
Enlisting people of Longyearbyen, Svalbard - the most northern town in the world, this film shows just how dark and tough life can be in the Artic Circle during the Polar night.
For 110 days straight, they live and work in -20° and complete darkness.
Created by GTB London, the film features Ford's dark and tough Ranger Black Edition.
Like the people, the Ranger Black Edition can handle the tough conditions, as we see it driving across giant icy, mountainous landscapes with ease.
Shot by multi-award winning director Toby Dye and produced by Ridley Scott's RSA films.
RSA Films -
Gramercy Park Studios -
Toby GriffinSound Designer / Sound Mixer -
James O'ConnellComposer -
Julian EguigurenFilm Maker