Gavin Keith Hough… Brand Creative


I do apologise for my 18 month absence, It's been a crazy couple of years right!? And I have some catching up to do with my profile.

To start with and where I left off…

2020 Secret 7" Competition.

7 specifically chosen records. Each pressed 100 times. 700 bespoke 'one off' sleeve creations.

With designs from huge names within the creative world.

With almost 6000 entries I was beyond delighted that my submission made the final selection.

The auction took place on 1st November 2020 in aid of the Help Refugees charity.

The brief was simple. Pick a song, create an interpretation but in no way should you feature the band name or song on the artwork itself.


The back story…

I am a huge Foo Fighters fan (one that is currently heart broken at the passing of one of My Heroes).

One truly amazing week in 2018 over in California, I was invited to volunteer at a charity gala in aid of Autism. The event was at The Beverly Hills Hotel in LA and I had been given a little inside information that in attendance would be one of my heroes. I took my tee thinking you never know right?!

I landed early and headed to the foyer and before I knew it Dave Grohl was walking down the stairwell. My friend who had invited me along, has a son with autism - a truly wonderful human being with immense confidence. He had previously met Dave and without hesitation made his way over to him and said 'Hey Dave, I have a friend from England who is a huge fan of yours and would like to meet you'. I was totally blown away. Just to be in the same room as him was a dream come true but to get called over, be introduced to him and shake his hand was mind blowing.

Not only that but as the evening progressed I got to see him a couple more times in which I got the selfie and also his autograph on my tee which makes up my design.

They say you should never meet your heroes. I disagree - David Grohl is an absolute legend and gentleman.

A very special moment in my life.

Backed up with him playing my favourite song 'Everlong' on stage 20ft in front of me! Two days later I got to see him and the band on stage at their own festival - Cal Jam 18.


Who pooled - Secret 7" Competition. Revealed way back - 1st November 2020.