Genesis Belfast


Lifeline needed more people to reach out for help, by increasing awareness and understanding of their services and their brand. Our in-depth research revealed people are reluctant to talk, they think they'll become a burden and they don't know what help is available. We also uncovered a crucial insight: people always say "I'm fine" even if they're in crisis. From that insight, our creative idea was born: β€œDon't hide your real feelings.”

We brought this concept to life by showing people literally hiding their feelings. Speech bubbles (designed to look like Lifeline's logo) held phrases like "I'm not okay." But a crucial word was obscured by our actors' heads, in this case, the word "not". So, at a glance, the line read "I'm okay," and the truth was obscured. These people literally hid their true feelings.

Our campaign had incredible reach, with 99% of Northern Ireland adults seeing it at least once and over 48 million impressions. Independent post-campaign tracking revealed that 82% of people remembered at least one campaign element, and 83% said it got them thinking about their own mental health. But the campaign's true success was generating an 18% increase in call demand for Lifeline. That's 18% more people reaching out for the support they desperately needed.


Drum Roses 2023 – Public Sector – Bronze


Project featured: on 14th September 2023

Lifeline: 18% more calls

