In a pioneering fusion of classical opera and cutting-edge technology, flora&faunavisions proudly presents the world's first-ever digital 'The Ring Cycle': a revolutionary 15-hour production of Richard Wagner's epic 'Ring des Nibelungen'. This production, often likened to the Olympics of opera, features awe-inspiring digital set design created by flora&faunavisions, setting a new standard in theatrical innovation. Originally composed in the 19th century, Wagner's masterpiece undergoes a transformative evolution through our collaboration with dear friend and colleague Chen Shi-Zheng. This reinterpretation breathes new life into 'The Ring Cycle', transforming it into a contemporary fantasy land.

'The Ring Cycle' consists of four parts: 'Das Rheingold', 'Die Walküre', 'Siegfried', and 'Götterdämmerung'. Spanning a total runtime of 15 hours, these four operas unfold over four consecutive nights. The production involves 83 musicians and 102 voices, with flora&faunavision's digital design setting new standards through the application of the latest technologies in stage design and lighting. The digital set, a testament to FFV's passion for immersive and transformative experiences, features giant LED screens choreographed to move seamlessly across the stage. Fifteen rear-edge panels and eight additional side panels, capable of spatial movement, enhance the immersive experience. In 'Die Walküre', a central seven-meter-high white tree—a 3D-scanned bonsai tree scaled up - takes the spotlight. This immersive, kinetic, and interactive stage design blends real opera singers with LED screens, creating breathtaking visual effects. This unprecedented fusion of digital technology and traditional staging delivers a unique opera experience. FFV invested years developing the kinetic digital set, integrating motion tracking for actor interaction with synchronized animations. Costumes incorporate signaling devices, and motion sensors record actors' movements, creating a harmonious blend of music, singing, visuals, and lighting.

The journey begins with 'Das Rheingold', a magnificent prelude that sets the stage for an extraordinary tale of power, wealth, cosmic transformation and determines the course of the entire saga. 'Die Walküre' is the next captivating chapter, known for its dramatic power and iconic music such as the 'Ride of the Valkyries'. It delves into the highly emotional world of humanity after the otherworldly 'Das Rheingold'. Following 'Siegfried', the third opera where you can experience a night of fearless heroics and dive into Siegfried's 21st-century battle with a dragon and witness the fearless hero confront his destiny. 'Götterdämmerung', the exhilarating finale to Wagner’s four-part epic, features some of the composer’s most impactful music.
'The Ring Cycle' represents a monumental leap forward in the marriage of art and technology, creating a transcendent opera experience.

Leigh Sachwitz, the Digital Content Designer and Founder of flora&faunavisions shared her thoughts on the project, emphasizing the need to consider the future of opera and the preservation of classical music for audiences: “Where are we going with opera in the future and how are we going to keep classical music alive for audiences? I do think that we need to embrace technology, and use it as a tool to do great things. And if we manage to do that, then we’ll be able to activate younger audiences.”
The opera garnered astonishment from the press, as reflected in comments such as those from the Australian Stage: "Leigh Sachwitz’ digital design magic, make this Ring Cycle one that serves Wagner’s Gesamtkunstwerk very well, and indeed one of the best that anyone is likely to see."

Software: Maxon Cinema 4D, Adobe Creative Suite, EmberGen, SideFX Houdini, Notch, AI generated images, Disguise Designer, Black Trax, Kinesys Motion
Hardware: 8 Move- and flyable LED panels 3x8m, 1 Big Cyclorama LED 18x9m with flyable sections, Projection mapping, 16 hours Video Content, Motion Tracking of performers – live generated content.

Who pooled - The world's first-ever digital Ring Cycle