Dr Russell Bestley Reader in Graphic Design


‘’When we haven’t got time to read a book, we judge it by its covers. ’’
- Simon Anholt

Project Name:
''Discover Romania''

Research Question:
How can the commercial tools of branding be used to capture and visually communicate a more positive image of Romania and increase its attractiveness as tourism destination by challenging stereotypes and misconceptions?

Type of publication:
Interactive Books Set

My Major Project work culminated in a proposal for a new tourism brand for Romania and a set of three interactive books that work as an invitation to discover more about the cultural heritage, authentic lifestyle and natural scenery of this country. A Brand Book containing the thinking behind the brand, the creative style and the visual elements that configure its communication was designed to accompany my Final Outcome.

The aim of this project is to present Romania in a way it has never been presented before, by using as a starting point one of the most common stereotypes this country has been associated with ever since the Irish novelist Abraham Stoker published his now world renowned novel, ‘’Dracula’’.

Information will be hidden and revealed within the visual work, through the use of less common design techniques, which are a central piece to the branding strategy and give the outcome an interactive feature.

The concept behind it tries to spark curiosity and invite the viewer to explore and discover more about Romania. Revealing 30 interesting facts about touristic values of the country, the outcome is designed to increase the level of interest in this less popular destination by engaging the viewer’s attention in a playful way. It also addresses few of the negative perceptions and stereotypes related to the country’s image.


Discover Romania - Country Re-branding

