Debbie Norton 3D Environment Artist


The Project

A 3D Japanese Environment:
Exploring the potential of Zen environments in games to relieve everyday working stress

The concept:

To create a 3D Zen Environment, what allows you an audio/ visual experience, from a first person view.
Movement - walking
Sounds - Natural BirdSong, Water flowing/ River, Natural Footsteps/ Stone/ Wood/ Grass
The plan was to create an 3D environment helping everyone who suffers with everyday working stress, to relax, by creating a Japanese Garden Design.


I researched many areas about different ways people can relieve stress through games.

One of which was how, ‘virtual restorative environments’ could help people who suffered with, stress, anxiety, and even depression, and entering a ‘Zen mode’ in a game was also proven to reduce stress. The user would become immersed into a world, where they could escape "everyday working stress”.

The environment was created using a mix of 3D modelling applications, such as 3DsMax, Maya and Blender. The main focus was crafting 3D assets with a natural finish, creating a small Japanese Rock Garden, and adding natural sounds, to help make the environment more authentic.

A small questionnaire was posted before, and after the user entered the environment, to gain qualitative data, and confirm if the user was feeling less stressed.


The final artefact, allowed the user to walk around, feel a sense of relief and to be calm, listening to bamboo creaking, your footsteps on the ground, seeing the bamboo leaves move, with birdsong in the background. Finally you follow the path, walk over a wooden bridge, to visit a waterfall, before entering a place of relaxation in the Dojo.

The questionnaires confirmed that everyone who entered the environment, definitely felt a little more relaxed after, and ideally wanted to venture further, into the Japanese environment.

The environment was accessible for people of all ages, no VR headset required, and definitely was a positive step forward, for people who suffer with, everyday working stress.

Thank you


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