Dave Freelance


Branding for the very cool start-up handlebar barista. AKA 'I want to ride my bicycle'. The brand needed to stand out from afar and be in sync with companies trendy, but traditional coffee trike.

#Branding: ‘An identifying mark burned on livestock using a branding iron’.

Makes your hard work all worth while when a client embraces the very definition of branding and goes to town.

You’ll see this 3 wheelin-coffee-machine’ around the boroughs of the big smoke… Cardiff.

If you see them, stop ‘em for a coffee and tell them you know me and they ‘might’ just give you a coffee for free. Probably not tho.


  • Handle bar baristaClient
  • * DaveBranding Designer
Annual 2017 ShortlistI want to ride my bicycleBranding Project featured: on 7th September 2016 Contributor:

Dave has been a Contributor since 5th December 2016.

Invite x3

I want to ride my bicycle

