Ali Omar Creative


Concept: Every day thousands of people’s lives are saved or improved thanks to the generosity of blood donors. But NHS Blood and Transplant still needs 5,000 blood donors every day to make sure hospitals have the right supply of blood. We needed to create a sense of urgency to encourage people to donate now. Time and convenience are the key barriers to donating, so if we could let people know how many appointments were available today and how close their nearest blood donor centre was, then we could hope to overcome these barriers.

Execution: We captured live appointment data from local blood centres and paired it with striking portraits of real life blood recipients by renowned photographer Dylan Collard.
Through a strategic partnership with Clear Channel, we plugged into a network of over a 100 dynamic digital Out of Home sights on high streets across England, in close proximity to permanent blood donor centres. Our data specialists worked with Clear Channel and anonymised data from NHSBT to create a dynamically updated system, making people aware of the volume of appointments available that day or week at their nearest donor centre. We also showed walking distance, the volume of first-time donors seen in the past week, and the number booked to give blood that day.

Results: Our campaign was executed across 120 dynamic OOH sites, specifically chosen for their close proximity to priority donor centres. Across 10 cites in England the campaign generated an additional 3,296 registrations to give blood, a 43% year on year increase


  • Tom AggettClient
Project featured: on 6th March 2020

Dynamic Blood Appointment

