Dan Willis Brand and Culture Development Consultant


Zeta is a full service digital agency based in Poole, Dorset. It was founded in 2000 and has grown and evolved as the internet has expanded. With roots in web design and online marketing they have adapted and thrived with changes in the industry and moved towards being a mobile centric organisation.

Project details:
I was contracted at Zeta to instil scalable and efficient sales and marketing processes to provide a robust framework for growth. A primary focus was to keep the agency's brand & cultural identity during any business transformation changes. Key responsibilities have included:
- Creating and maintaining a new sales infrastructure including CRM system
- Develop an efficient sales process bespoke for a small agency
- Develop a competitive rate card
- Define key services that the agency provides
- Assist in the smooth handover of the companies sale


  • Berkshire HathawayClient

Business development and transformation for a digital agency

