Daniel VP, Groupe Creative Director


The campaign "Imagine a CEO" focuses on the impact of structural racism on the mental health of Black professionals in the Brazilian job market. This initiative responds to alarming media reports showing a lack of racial diversity in leadership positions in Brazil and its effects on the anxiety of the Black corporate community.

“Imagine a CEO” points out the absence of Black CEOs among the 423 companies listed on the São Paulo, Brazil Stock Exchange until 2022. Even in the 2023 Forbes list of Brazil's Best CEOs, which features successful leaders, there's a complete lack of Black representation. Additionally, a Google search for 'Brazilian CEOs' shows that none of the first 36 listed are Black.

Despite 210,000 profiles with 'CEO' titles on LinkedIn in Brazil, Veja magazine's top 10 most influential CEOs are all white men. This scenario demonstrates the lack of opportunities for Black professionals at the base and exacerbates anxiety and other mental health issues, such as psychosomatic illnesses and impostor syndrome, resulting from exclusion and bias.
The absence of Black representation at the top of the pyramid confirms the educational and social gaps for Black people at the base. It discourages young Black men and women from aspiring higher due to a lack of role models.

The AI-created campaign images prompt people to imagine - an illusion as if initiating the creation of images in an AI tool - a CEO of a bank, a business holding, or a tech company, often not picturing a Black professional, exposing structural racism. It reflects the barriers at the base and neglect of Black potential, negatively impacting mental health. Also, the use of AI-generated images highlights technological bias and the scarcity of Black Brazilian representation in this field. The outcome shows the need for greater diversity and inclusion in emerging technologies.

Harvard studies show that in fields like medicine, the burnout rate among Black professionals is 30%, compared to 18% among whites, with prejudice and isolation worsening emotional exhaustion.

"Imagine a CEO" calls for action against structural racism affecting Black professionals' mental well-being, welfare, and career advancement, encouraging steps towards a more equitable and healthy future.

Change starts with anti-racist education and actions, affirmative corporate measures, and society's commitment and duty to create a more equal and less anxious future.


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