Daisy Proctor Senior Account Manager


Glenmorangie is one of the most respected single malt whisky distillers in the world. But with an aging customer-base, they needed to find a way to connect to a younger target of non-whisky fans - the ones who prefer cocktails. Their answer? X by Glenmorangie. A single malt whisky that was made to be mixed. To launch an innovative whisky and encourage trial and experimentation, we knew we would need to be just as innovative.

Taking inspiration from X by Glenmorangie’s 'Made to Mix' proposition, we created a first-of-its-kind jukebox that didn’t just mix music, it also mixed and served actual cocktails. To begin, we worked with our team of industrial designers to marry form and function - taking cues from classic jukeboxes and bringing them up to date. We then commissioned legendary producer DJ Tall Paul to create a series of mixes that acted as soundtracks for each cocktails. We then launched the Mix Machine at London’s legendary Cocktail Week. Our innovative Mix Machine then toured the UK making stops at renowned bars like The Botanist in London and the Alchemist in Edinburgh. To ensure that everyone knew where to find the Mix Machine, we created a series of geo-targeted social ads that would drive foot traffic to the various Mix Machine locations. Then, in a partnership first for Spotify, we created a series of recipe card playlists. Remarkably, each of these incredible playlists featured songs that when read together created the actual cocktail recipes.

The response to our Mix Machine Jukebox was immediate. Journalist and cocktail lovers were equally enamoured with this one-of-a-kind experience. Numerous press pieces generated nearly 6M PR impressions across numerous cocktail publications and blogs and our unique Spotify sponsorship drove an additional 6.4M impressions. But best of all, Glenmorangie a centuries-old distillery had found a way to connect with a new generation of whisky drinkers and make beautiful music and beautiful cocktails together.


  • X by GlenmorangieClient

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