
Three reasons why freelancers love coffee

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Freelancers have to endure a lot of unfair stereotypes - being perennial layabouts and not being good enough for a “real” job (whatever that is) are particularly galling examples. But one stereotype it seems freelancers definitely do have to own is their love of coffee.

Loving coffee isn’t anything to ashamed of - in fact, it’s actually pretty special. How so, you ask? Let's count the ways.

1. It’s good for your mental health

Given the delicate balance of completing work, chasing payments and trying to enjoy your home life, it’s fair to say freelancers can get a little stressed. The good news is that statistics have shown that coffee drinkers have a much lower chance of suffering from depression than their non-caffeinated counter-parts.

Better than that, coffee has also been shown to reduce the chances of Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes, gout and cirrhosis. And nobody wants to get gout, right?

2. It’s better for you than beer and cigarettes

This one stands to reason, but although we inherently appreciate that coffee doesn’t carry the same dangers as smoking or drinking, we aren’t always aware of the benefits.

A sweet cup of java can increase energy levels, enhance cognitive performance and increases the ability to solve problems and make “correct” decisions - so says the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

3. Pubs don’t open in the morning

This isn’t to say freelancers would be knocking back a pint every morning if they could. Pubs and coffee houses can make a relaxing setting when freelancers are meeting new clients, or simply looking to get out of the house and get some work done.

While some early-afternoon pubs can offer that sort of peaceful ambience, there’s nothing quite like the gentle clink of crockery and the soft murmur of a busy café. An Oxford University study even found that “a moderate level of noise enhances creativity”.

If you’re still not convinced, you can find out more about the benefits of coffee in our “Freelancers and Coffee – why the love affair?” article.

Tired of drinking alone?

Join our Crunch Chorus Facebook group and get socialising with freelancers, contractors and small businesses just like you. We even host our own coffee mornings in our hometown of Brighton.

Sign up for our next freelancer webinar

We’re hosting a webinar on Wednesday 27th February, all about how to become a freelancer. If you feel like the time has come to finally strike out on your own, book your place now and find out how easy the process truly is.
