Created By Us London


Our client has the manufacturing capability to make liquid filled confectionery.
We were tasked with creating a liquid filled confectionary that was unique.

We generated four strategic brand positionings with names.
We identified a niche market: Cocktail flavoured alcoholic gum.
There was no similar product in the market.

In a world where good people are drowning in oppressive rules and they’ve never before had their freedoms so restricted we believe the world would be a better place if there was a safe outlet for people to feel heard, scream a bit, have a giggle and feel a little light relief.

Sometimes those little fun social interactions in the day are wasted because you are talking to one of them – the rule lovers, the curtain twitchers, the tut-tut-tutters – it just adds to your sense of isolation. BUT there’s nothing more delightful than finding one of your own, it puts a spring in your step and makes everything a little bit more possible.

We flaunt a rebellious point of view to give our people a little high 5 and raise a smile, so they know they’re not alone.

Born in 2020’s lockdown when the free have never been more restricted. Judged by neighbours, infantilised by governments, unable to flex their rebel muscles our founders’ need to stick it to the rule makers grew strong and NYP gum was born.

The gum is unique.
It is the only gum that has a soft centre filled with an alcoholic cocktail.
A cheeky pick-me-up, something to raise a smile, a little light relief.
For the party goer, the cocktail crowd or just the naughty one in the gang.
A bit of adult fun.

We wanted the product packaging to reflect:
-a rebellious streak
-to be intriguing to stimulate conversation
-to be unique and irreverent
-to be noticed on the table in company
-to be adult but fun and quirky

And precious enough to be loved and kept

Vibrant clashing colours, strike though, idiosyncratic illustrations and attitude driven text all to challenge perceptions and generate curiosity.


Who pooled - NYP Gum