About me

My name is Colin Griffin! I'm a Graphic Designer from the great city of Minneapolis, MN. I received my degree in Graphic Design from Dunwoody College of Technology back in the highly memorable year of 2020! I actually got my cap and gown, as well as my diploma mailed to me.
My passion for design is immense and I look forward to creating something new everyday. My favorite work to do is UX/UI design for both web and mobile, logo/brand identity, and design for social media. I have experience in multiple mediums of design from print to digital and aim to perform my very best no matter what task I am given. I love to step out of my comfort-zone whenever I am able to.

When I am not doing any design work, you can find me hanging out with my wife and friends on a rented pontoon in the middle of Lake Minnetonka, Annoying my two Cats, Hexx and Salem, while they sleep, attempting to learn how to heel-flip on my skateboard without seriously hurting myself, and watching The Wolf of Wall Street for the millionth time wondering how the hell Leo didn't receive an Oscar for it.


Accessibility, Brand / Logo Design, Email Design, Social Media, Usability, UX/UI, Web Design, Wireframes

Currently No Recommendations
Looking for work
Perm, Remote
Minneapolis, United States
Skill Level
Junior, Middleweight
Creativepool member since 10 September 2022