Code And Theory New York


For the 2018 Midterm elections –one of the most critical important, hotly contested and highly watched midterm elections in history – CNN partnered with Code and Theory to help them take the Magic Wall technology to the next level. We collaboratively reimagined the look, feel and core feature set of the main individual applications that make up the Magic Wall to be more modern and systematized; we developed a suite of new features and capabilities designed around anticipated 2018 Midterm Election storylines, including, for the first time ever, a House Battle for Control simulation application; we completely reworked the technology underpinning the Magic Wall to make it more secure and scalable for the future; and most importantly, we worked hard to help CNN keep and extend its edge vs. its competitors. On Election Night 2018, CNN was the #1 rated network in the most essential demographic, and the Magic Wall performed perfectly throughout 13 continuous hours of intense use on live television. As the centerpiece data visualization technology of CNN’s election coverage, the newly enhanced Magic Wall enabled CNN to stand-out from the competition, and was employed far more than competitors’ products.

Annual 2019 BronzeCNN Magic WallWave

CNN Magic Wall

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