The idea of a pool, and the reality of caring for one, are in stark contrast. There’s so much that can go wrong. In the DIY of pool care, people want to turn to brands they can trust when they’re unsure of their own ability to keep the water safe.

Although HTH was an established name in the pool-care category with its ‘Here to Help’ philosophy, it behaved more like a manufacturer than a brand, campaigning on a platform of performance rather than confidence. So, when Clorox entered the space, known throughout supermarkets already as the brand which kills 99.9% of just about everything, HTH quickly lost share of a $160 million market. It was sink or swim.

Instead of trying to out-Clorox, Clorox, HTH didn’t need to convince consumers of the power of their chemicals; they just needed to inspire confidence to use them. Unlike other chemical products on the market which leave room for human error, HTH uses a more forgiving and easier to use chemical compound, providing a sense of control in the unpredictability of pool care.

HTH needed to disrupt the cold and clinical chemical category with the sense of safety and simplicity it promises. Using the visual language of water safety, we evolved the HTH logo into the symbol of a life preserver, becoming synonymous with and instantly evoking the feeling of security and certainty. Simple but strong. Always present at the water’s edge. It will never let you down.

Our redesign inspires confidence at shelf and beyond, making it easy every step of the way. Focusing on the end result of a safe, clean pool, our design centers on an image of perfect clear water, creating a consistent brand block across packs. Stripping out all scaremongering and chemical jargon, benefit lead claims, simple iconography, and a consistent hierarchy help navigate the pillars and create distinction. The wave graphic contributes to ease of navigation, clearly conveying tiering of Core, Advanced, and Ultra. And, a complicated chemical story becomes a bold badge on-pack that reinforces our differentiators and delivers on the promise of “here to help.”

Disrupting a typically cold and clinical category with a sense of safety and simplicity; pool maintenance brand Here To Help (HTH) is now positioned as a trusted, approachable brand, allowing consumers to feel confident in tackling whatever life throws in the pool.


HTH: Here to Help redesign

