Charlotte Anderson-Barrow Junior Graphic Designer


The Brief / Hotel Indigo draws on the neighbourhood to curate the hotel. In this spirit, pick a Hotel Indigo location (existing or upcoming) and capture the essence of the neighbourhood in 1-3 images.
Your image(s) should create awareness and authority for Hotel Indigo as a design-led boutique brand with a point of view on what makes an inspirational travel experience.

My Solution / London Bollards is an approach, as stated in the brief to ‘bring the outside in’. Bollards are an important and historically rich aspect of London’s street furniture, which are often overlooked. Indigo states that ‘no two hotels are alike’, and this applies to bollards.
London Bollards allows the visitor to engage with London on a street level, through a way-finding system; a guided tour of London, navigated by these cultural, functional and idiosyncratic entities on every street. As an integrated campaign, London Bollards has the potential to feature as part of Indigo’s promotional material, textiles and guest experience.


D&AD Graphite Pencil

Who pooled - London Bollards