Carola Bisci Producer


A child frustrated by the empty promises and lack of actions to stop climate change decides to ask for help to Mother Nature. She, being all powerful, can fight back agains the main culprits of Climate change, fossil fuel companies.

We used real climate change consequences to be the ironic weapons that Mother Nature uses to defeat the fossil fuel industry. The iceberg destroying the oil rig comes from the gigantic cracks currently opening on the poles ice sheets and the hole that swallows the coal plant is a reference to the real sink holes appearing on the melting permafrost of Canada and Siberia. On this epic fight for survival things get out of control, and even though it isn't Mother Nature's intention, our young generations are put at risk from a hot, almost unstoppable threat.

The film is the result of almost 3 years of hard work with uncountable challenges and a pandemic in the middle of it. One thing remained constant though, and that is the determination to share this message of support with the rest of the world.

The challenge on the visual effects for a small student team was enormous, so we had to look far and wide for people that could support us. This project was a true international collaboration from people working and supporting it remotely who donated their time and skills for this cause. Although our core team was based in Germany, we had Argentinian, Spanish, Polish, Australians, French, British, Indonesian, Pakistani, Costa Rican, Indonesian, Australian, Indian and Icelandic people to thank for believing in it.

Creating the iceberg sequences for example was particularly difficult, but the team came up with a creative way of making a model using photogrametry techniques on existing footage from real tabular icebergs that was donated by Adam Cropp, a National Geographic drone filmmaker from Australia.

Finding the locations was not easy either but at the end we decided that Iceland had the raw nature we needed for the story. We decided to keep the team to a minimum to reduce our impact and get only the essentials shots in Iceland. This way, a skeleton crew of 4 (Director, DoP, Drone Pilot and Producer), were the only ones in Iceland together with the young actress. Scouting for the locations was done remotely with satellite images, local tips and some imagination. Most of the locations were found around the town of Vik, where we based ourselves. All of the shots involving the shaman were done in Germany, in a replica cottage of the one that was shot in Iceland.

Director: Nicolás Bori
Production Company: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH & Antiestático
Executive Producer: Marco Henn & Matías Dumont
Animation Director: Martin Egger
Cinematography: Jan Fabl
Line Producer: Carola Bisci
Producer: Lucas De La Rua
Animation-­/ VFX-Producing: Tobias Lischka
VFX Supervision: Lucas Bruchhage, Martin Egger
Editing: Ann-Kathrin Matthes
Production Design: Nils Schmitzek
Casting: Simona Weber
Sound Design: Robin Harff
Grading: Max Baule (Acht Hamburg)
Communication: Lucrecia Colombo Flores
Financial Dept: Víctor González
Cast: Suryani Andina Marie Hardt & Sedhar Chozam (AK Agents)
Thanks to: Jugendstiftung Baden-Württemberg, Juice , 2WEI Music , Riot Games, Position Music, Extinction Rebellion


  • Extinction RebellionClient
  • 2WEl MusicMusical group
  • Ann-Kathrin MatthesEditing
  • Extinction RebellionGlobal environmental movement
  • Jan FablCinematography
  • Jugendstiftung Baden-WürttembergAssociation
  • Lucas BruchhageVFX Supervision
  • Lucas de la RuaProducer
  • Lucrecia Colombo FloresCommunication
  • Marco HennProducer
  • Marie HardtCast
  • Martin EggerAnimation Director
  • Max BauleGrading
  • Nicolás BoriDirector
  • Nils SchmitzekProduction Design
  • Position MusicMusic publisher
  • Riot GamesVideo game developer
  • Robin HarffSound Design
  • Sedhar ChozamCast
  • Suryani AndinaCast
  • Tobias LischkaAnimation-/ VFX-Producing
  • Víctor GonzálezFinancial Dept
  • * Antiestático
  • * Simona WeberCasting
  • * Matías DumontExecutive Producer
  • * Carola BisciLine Producer
Project featured: on 1st August 2022

Mother Nature's Power | Nico Bori

