The Book of Everyone is a small company that produces a unique personalised book. For their Mother’s Day campaign, we wanted to celebrate mums everywhere by doing something a little different. With little budget at a time when it is hard to get noticed with all the other gifts being advertised, we devised a campaign where the 3 directors would wear pregnancy suits for 1 month in the run up to Mothering Sunday in the UK.
The campaign consisted of a blog that the 3 director would record a video diary for every day as well as write about their experiences. They would also be filmed by a video director with the idea to produce 4 short films through the month.
Prior to the start of the campaign, myself and the director sat down to discussed how both the video blogs and shorts films should be and planned the story arc throughout the month for the 3 pregnant dads.
I liaised with the design team to build the blog site for the campaign and create unique artwork for later usage. After creating a press release, I worked closely with a PR agency as we contacted the media regarding the story.
Once the article was picked up by ‘The Daily Mail’, we became inundated with requests for interviews and photos. Over the course of the month we managed to secure over 300 articles worldwide, and increase sales by 2,765% from the previous year.
The campaign was shortlisted for a Cannes Lion PR Award.
Cannes Lions - Shortlist