Blimie Graphic Designer


“Yom Hashoah” the Holocaust Remembrance day that takes place annually to commemorate the approximately six million Jews and five million others who perished in the Holocaust. Inspired by the topic “fragment” I have created an exhibition that will be on display at the Yom Hashoah event, and later moved to a museum. My designs consist of two exhibit pieces, 2 stand- alone features, and promotional material

The designs are dynamic yet consistent with a uniformity running through them. On outset the idea was to create an emotive piece that remembered those that were killed, and celebrates those that survived. The designs revolve around the death and horror experienced during the Second World War. I have illustrated an impression of the Birkenau Extermination Camp as the focal part of the design with a dark thick cloud billowing representing the millions that were reduced to ashes here. I have used a vivid red colour connoting the bloodshed, horror and tragedy. In contrast the rest of the illustration is in grey-scale to convey the doom. To bring a personal element to the design I have handwritten an excerpt from one of survivor Elie Wiesel’s (a Romanian-born American Jewish writer, professor, political activist, Nobel Laureate and Holocaust survivor) famous speeches. The base illustration is cut into six to represent the six million Jews murdered. The shattered edge of the design adds intrigue and represents the lives of those that were shattered and torn apart.

The Yellow Star of David which has become synonymous with the Jewish Nation has been used throughout the campaign design as an element of pride. The Nazis introduced the “Yellow Star” as a degrading badge of “dishonour” to be worn by the Jews as an identifying feature and I have used it in the exhibit with pride and defiance of the continuation of the Jewish Nation. The secondary exhibit combines the inspiration of “fragments” with the Star of David.

The hand rendered typography throughout has the appearance of blood written and has the texture of finger prints to ensure it looks hand written giving it an emotional and personal appeal.


  • Personal WorkClient

Yom Hashoah - Holocaust Remembrance

