Becca Liversidge Freelance Creative


At the start of 2020, Britain stood on the brink of a tumultuous new decade; facing Brexit, climate change, the rise of the far right, systematic racism and inequality, amongst other concerns. The Uncertain Kingdom was set up to explore these issues, encouraging 20 filmmakers from throughout the UK to express their thoughts through the medium of film.

The Studio of Our Own team designed the identity for The Uncertain Kingdom; it was important for us to not impose our own perspective onto the project, but to let the films speak for themselves. The different viewpoints of the directors are suggested through the use of overlapping shapes; revealing new horizons that the viewer must move through in sequence.

This project was created whilst working at A Studio of Our Own. Using the first phase of the brand guidelines (shown below), I was a part of the team that expanded the identity. Animation by James Huson.


  • The Uncertain KingdomClient
Project featured: on 27th February 2021

The Uncertain Kingdom

