Beach London London


Artcade was a month-long exhibition in Shoreditch, London. We invited 6 of London's most exciting creatives to create original artworks inspired by - and alongside - vintage arcade cabinets.

At the end of the exhibition, the top scorer got to keep the relevant artwork. Curation by Beach's Charlie Hood.

The artists and their cabinets were:
Gemma Shiel (Lazy Oaf) x PacMan
Anthony Burrill x Space Invaders
Rosy Nicholas x Galaxian
Ellie Andrews x Tron
Malarky x Street Fighter II
Pete Fowler x Donkey Kong

The exhibition included a screening of Arcade-documentary classic 'The King of Kong', and featured the UK premiere of US documentary 'The King of Arcades'.

The exhibition was kindly supported by Sheridan's New Media Lawyers and Camden Town Brewery. Camden Town Brewery's Brewery Bar also host a permanent Artcade installation: artworks have included:
Daniel David Freeman x GunSmoke
George Heave x Frogger

Who pooled - Artcade