So we're trippin'
we better must roll, the roots
shadow whispering
through a soil of bits
as the birth of the network
rocks the slippery decks.
Sail the Universal.
Salt the Misery.
A Proton to swell green
in Isolation's sea
opening to fields of quantum equality.
--- A video I made for the incredible People Taking Pictures, all the way from Perth, for one of the most brilliant Subliminisms I have had extreme pleasure to tickle.
I was living between Prague and Berlin when I made it, and hit pretty hard by George Floyd's death, and then subsequently shocked by the federal executions in America being rushed through during the change of office, and disgusted again to see the blatant racial profiling.
Now we've all had a digital baby TOGETHER, let's be good responsible parents and stop fighting in front of the children!