About me

Arfadia focuses on the Technology and Multimedia Business. Located in capital city of Jakarta, the company has attracted clients from various fields to create them websites. The company's main services are all of things relate to information technology. Along with the growth of multimedia technology, the company has shaped itself into an agency that specializes in website design, web hosting, multimedia services, digital marketing campaign, website development, web based software, and much more. Due to its optimum services and well developed products, the digital agency has got certification of International Organization for Standard (ISO) and been awarded both nationally and internationally include Environmental Management System, Quality Management System, and Management System Occupational Health and Safety.

The Digital Company's Products.

Arfadia provides its customers with various products include:

1. Arfadia Intranet Portal (PIA) - www [] portal-intranet [] com

The product is especially designed for customers so they can get all they need about revolutionary product to improve their communication system. The product also enables the clients to deliver information more efficiently and effectively.

2. Arfadia Education System (SIDIA) - www [] sidia [] id

This software is especially designed for students in Elementary School. By using the software, it is hoped that all of the students can learn their subjects in more practical and simpler ways. The software also makes it possible for the pupils to find and store the learning subjects they need.

3. Project Management Tools

The company also comes with various project management tools to facilitate the clients. The project management tools provided include Module Feature for dashboard, MOM Online, Gantt Chart, MS Project, Integrated Daily Schedule, Daily Activity, Material Master, Report Man Power, Document Attachment and much more.

4. Software for Village Administration (SODEA) - www [] sodea [] id

The best information system solution for village governance for better public services.

5. Online Store for Selling Props ATERA - www [] atera [] id

ATERA is a media that sells visual aids in education, health, and sport which is also a distributor and manufacturer for certain products.

6. Social Media Ticketing and Monitoring System


www [] arfadia [] com

Tags :

Social Media Agency Jakarta, Digital Agency Indonesia, Best Digital Agency In Indonesia, Inilah Digital Agency Terbaik di Indonesia, Jasa Pembuatan Website Profesional Terbaik di Indonesia, Memilih Agency Iklan di Jakarta



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Jakarta, Indonesia
Skill Level
English, Bahasa, Chinese
Creativepool member since 18 October 2017