About me

Tell me what do you eat, and I will tell you who you are!

Eat healthy and keep your bodies healthy!

We take great pride to use genuine products for you.

A diet consisting of more natural unprocessed foods will be more nutritious, lower in unhealthy fats, lower in calories and better for our health rather than a diet on predominantly processed packaged or convenience food, which will be higher in salt, fat, calories and less healthy.

Tired of having to use products like butter and margarine, I have decided to try and replace them with olive oil, to "sweeten" my clients' life without the harmful side effects.

Olive oil contributes to reducing bad cholesterol, trans-fats and saturated fats.

All these types of "bad" fat are in the butter, palm and coconut oil. When cooking it is always better to opt for monounsaturated fats, as found in olive, peanut and almond oil.

We use the best flour and high quality olive oil for our croissants, brioches and pastries. Our pastries and cornetti contains no preservatives, shortenings or artificial ingredients.

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crewe, United Kingdom
Creativepool member since 23 June 2016